woman wearing headscarf preparing food


Nourishing your wellbeing

Maintaining a balanced diet and staying hydrated are key components of your wellbeing as a new parent. Learn strategies to help you nourish your body, mind and spirit so that you have energy to care for yourself and your baby.

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Reflection questions

  1. How do the foods I choose every day affect how I feel?
  2. What foods do I like that are good for me, and how can I eat less of the ones that aren’t?
  3. What makes it hard for me to eat healthier?
  4. How can I drink more water? Find ideas from the CDC.
  5. What easy and fun ways can I use to drink more water (e.g., adding a slide of lemon, setting reminders)?
  6. How can I take small steps every day to feel better through what I eat and drink.?

More resources

  • Learn more about MyPlate from the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
  • Identify simple My Plate nutrition strategies to maintain your health during the postpartum period.
  • Visit Motherly to learn more about what to eat during the postpartum period.