woman wearing head scarf doing yoga

Mental wellbeing

Feeling and functioning well

Mental wellbeing is about feeling well and also functioning well as an individual and in society. Your mental wellbeing changes throughout life depending on your experiences as an individual and within your family and community. Mental wellbeing includes:

  • Your feelings: Feeling happy, calm or peaceful supports your mental wellbeing.
  • Your functioning as an individual: Accepting yourself, believing your life has meaning, and having warm, supportive relationships with other people supports your mental wellbeing.
  • Your functioning with other people: Believing your life makes a difference and having a clear connection and understanding of your connection to society supports your mental wellbeing.

You can strengthen your mental wellbeing by reflecting on all of these - and by taking time to practice self-care, understand yourself and your needs, and build strong connections with other people.

  Mental health: Yours, mine and ours

Waa maxay caafimaadka maskaxdu? Wax ka baro kala farqiga u dhexeeya caafimaadka maskaxda iyo jirrooyinka maskaxda, iyo muhiimadda ay leedahay taageeridda shaqada maskaxda ee wanaagsan qof walba.

What is mental health? Learn about the differences between mental health and mental illness, and the importance of supporting good mental functioning for everyone.

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Reflection questions

  1. I know I am feeling well when:
  2. Signs that I am not feeling my best are:         
    1. I can share these signs with:
  3. What typically helps me feel better when I am overwhelmed?
  4. What is something I can do in 1/5/10 minutes to improve my mood?
  5. When I am feeling well, I feel _______ about motherhood.
  6. I am able to enjoy my baby when _______ (examples - when I feel rested, when I am alone with my baby, when we are in fresh air, etc.)  
  7. Three people who make me feel my best are:
  8. Name 1-2 people and send them messages of gratitude.  Think about each of them and mention how grateful you are for their existence. Remember some quality of that person for which you are grateful.
  9. Practice being in the present moment. Observe a flower or a piece of fruit. Describe its color, texture, smell, taste.

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